Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Calling Party October 10

Good party tonight. Wade and Chrystal and Bob and Susan and I practiced inventive progressions until we were suddenly graced with Lyndon, Gitry, Charles and Rin, who came over after a Capering Roisters gig (they're doing some 30 gigs this month!!). We were finally able to do the triple minor that I've been wanting to call, the one with the cross hey. I think I'm ready to call it now if I remember to practice a lot.

Susan called a dance she wrote - AND wrote the music to! It's a lovely, flowing ECD, lots of fun to do. I cranked up my sound editing program, Audacity, and recorded the tune a couple of times through so I could dance, too. People have often danced to a single fiddle, but I sure prefer a larger band.

We did Bob's XYZ dance at fast tempo and found we couldn't always get the last couple of moves right enough to be ready to start over again at the right time, so we discussed about eleventy-seven ways to get a couple from the side of a set to progressed improper position in eight counts. Not for the slow of mind.

Wade is really getting ready for the big time, IMHO. Which is coming up. I think several of us will be calling a dance at the homecoming dance on November 10...

And Chrystal is putting the final elegant touches on calling a dance (or two) for the ECDSTL dance this Friday. I think she and Kay and Susan will all be calling. I'm only sorry that we'll be having fun contradancing at the City Museum on Friday and will miss it.


1 comment:

Charles said...

It just seems like 30 gigs for the Capering Roisters; it's actually only 19. The count is 7 so far with 12 to go! The calling party was lots of fun. Thanks again!