Thursday, October 2, 2008

List of Callers and Dances for First Saturday Dance

Here's the list. Let me know if there are changes we should make!
1. Karen – Air Pants........................7:30 
2. Dale – Mundane Chain.....................7:43
3. Martha – Childgrove......................7:56
4. David - MN-NY Happy Returns..............8:08
5. Kimberly – The Physical Snob.............8:20
6. Karen – Rendezvous.......................8:32
Break and Announcements.....................8:50
1. Joe – Another Second Time Around.........9:05
2. Billy - The Hobbit.......................9:17
3. Kay – Barbarini’s Tambourine.............9:30
4. Dale – Fly Around My Pretty Little Miss..9:45
5. Kay – Juice of Barley....................9:57
6. Bob – Southern Swing....................10:10
Waltz .....................................10:22

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