Monday, February 9, 2009

Kudos to BillyBob and Dale

And, to wrap up a great weekend for the Hatchlings, Billy, Bob and Dale called a wonderful contra dance last night!

Dale gave a very good workshop, Bob did a masterful job with the early dances, calling to Lots and Lots of New People in a very crowded hall, Billy wound up the crowd with interesting dances before and after the break (including a square!) , and Dale earned his wings (see picture) as he ended the evening on a high note, with three of his four dances having been written by Hatchlings.

The Night Crawlers (Ted Vasquez on fiddle, Kristin Graham on keyboard, Mike Brown on bass and Rich Hibbs on banjo) were wonderful to dance to, and call to, too. What nice folks! And what drive! It was great.


Kay said...

Yep. It was a pretty amazing weekend for us. Two dances in a row, and the calling was fantastic--what a long way we've come! Congratulations, all!

Dale Wilson said...

Yes, three of the four dances I called were written by Hatchlings, but that was just an accident.

I wanted to call my new dance, but the other two are just dances I like and that fit into the evening. Joe and Billy get credit for writing fun dances.

[and Mamma Loo's Reel worked-- calloo, callay]

mac said...

Very nice dance Sunday - sorry I had to miss Saturday but I had a calling gig. I agree with all the comments - but no one has mentioned Billy's square - very nicely done - who is next?

Martha - I am not sure I would call Rich Hibbs a guest - he has played with them the last 4 or 5 times and is pretty much a regular with the Night Crawlers now.

Congratulation everyone!