Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Calling Party May 14

Good party tonight!

Special guest Missy graced us tonight - and we got to dance several English dances in preparation for our Kimmswick workshop. It was a good test. Enough of us are not familiar enough with English moves that they needed to be clearly explained, so we were able to see that we're going to have to make it simpler than we thought (okay, or we have to get better...).

And it's not just English. I tried calling Where's Alex again, this time understanding (and teaching) it better, and I still couldn't get everyone to remember what to do. So I guess I'm going to have to scrap it for Kimmswick this time, but I'd sure like to figure out what I have to say to make it easier. Lisa Greenleaf could...

So, one more party before Kimmswick. Must figure out what I want to call...


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