Monday, December 10, 2007

Calling at the Waltz Party

An update for those of you who couldn't be there: Martha's birthday celebration at last night's Waltz Party was a great success. Miss Martha herself called the "Levi Jackson Rag" and had three full sets dancing it and enjoying themselves. Bob taught the "Spanish Waltz," a Sicilian circle dance. Lovely to see an entire room full of people doing it gracefully and well.

Congratulations and happy birthday, Martha!


7-letter Deborah, never a Deb said...

I'll be doing the Spanish Waltz at the Old Courthouse on 12/15. Hope some of you can make it! Plus, it's the day after my birthday, so I can be just like Martha :)

Unknown said...

I surely did enjoy my birthday party! I usually don't celebrate my birthday much, but this birthday was different. I won't reach a square number for another 27 years, for one thing, and then there's that Beatles' song, for another.

So I was quite selfish, and picked my own favorite waltzes, called my own favorite dance, danced the Spanish waltz in a star-lit room with dozens of wonderful friends, and got to waltz with Bob to Ben playing "Blackberry Winter". I'm not sure it can get any better.

That said, (don't kill me for this, Kay) there were some problems with the Levi Jackson Rag calling. The phrasing of the music in the A section is not as obvious as most contra dances, and it threw me a little every once in a while. (When I was practicing it in the afternoon, it threw me even more often!) I also forgot to tell people to go back to original places - important in a dance where you get a new partner each time through the dance! AND I forgot to count how many times we had done it - it should have been five, but we did about seven. Mac made a great suggestion - that I call it five times through, and then drop out for another five times through. That would have been seriously classy...

But I do have to thank everyone for making this one of the best birthdays ever!

And goodness, Deborah - another fellow Saggitarian! A very happy birthday to you too!