Saturday, November 10, 2007

Big Night at English

Friday night, three of the calling party regulars called English dances at English Country Dance. Kay and Chrystal and Sue called (along with Missy and Rebecca), and did a great job!

Kay repeated her success with "St Louis", Chrystal called "mmmph Hill" (the tune is also known as Squirrel Hunters, putting the original out of my mind), and Sue called "Weldon Hall". There may have been others.

Bob and I had a wonderful time. If I'm going to dance on that concrete floor again, however, I'm getting some dance sneakers. Ouch!



Kay said...

"Mmmph Hill" is either "Smithy Hill" or "St. Margaret's Hill," not sure which. I was dancing with Missy's Mark at the time, and he favored us with the words to the tune: "Hunt the squirrel, hunt the squirrel, hunt the squirrel, hunt the squirrel now...."

I was thrilled that "St. Louis" went so well--all the hours of work paid off! Thanks to all of our group who helped me struggle through it. Without you, it wouldn't have been possible.

It was a really good dance, and I hope the rest of our calling group will consider attending some English Country dances. The more good dancers, the more fun.

The floor at the church is punishing, you're right about that. But at least the fourth-Monday dances are at Focal Point.

Chrystal said...
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Chrystal said...

I didnt call any hills...that was Sue! It was "Good Man of Ballingigh" Love the dance and the lyrics to the accompanying tune. Hee Hee

Awesome job on "St. Louis" Kay!!! You did such a great job. I danced on the gents side(first time with that dance!) I was afraid I was going to get lost--three/quarters of a double figure of eight--took me long enough to learn it from my side of the dance. You taught wonderfully--I didnt get lost!

Unknown said...

Oh yeah, "St Mararet's Hill" and "Geud Man of (throat clearing sound)".

As for the double figure of eight, you might be amused by this description from the Cambridge (England) University English Dance Club:

"A variation of the figure eight is a double figure eight; as one couple crosses through the other, the other couple casts into their place and then leads through crossing so that both couples follow the same track with everybody moving. Bored couples having a full figure eight done round them can confuse the others by turning it into a double figure eight."(My bolding and italics.)

Unknown said...

And another thing.

Did you notice how many people from the Friday night dance were at the Saturday night dance? We may be able to generate crossover by starting backwards! If enough English dancers dance contra, and it continues to be as fun as Friday night, we'll be able to get the message out simply by chattering on about...what actually happened.