Thursday, January 10, 2008

Extra Calling Party January 9

A whole evening of practicing English - and many of the "mostly contra" folks said "See you Friday!" (at the English dance) as they left.


Kay and Chrystal are the only ones calling on Friday, so we made sure they got their dances in. Doug and Deborah and I also called one each, and Larry and Marianne and Joe and David and Deb and Wade and Bob were excellent and thoughtful kibbitzers.

My only complaint is that only 25% of the dances were on those new Bare Necessities CDs I just bought for us. It turns out there are three more CDs to get. I have only a feeble complaint, however, since the rest of the music was all in Barnes, (plus the music that Deborah brought - thanks!) so I got to play whatever tunes we were missing. Fortunately, I love to play this music. It's just that I'm trying to get to dance more, and the CDs were supposed to make that possible. Harrrumph.

What did I learn? A turn single is always over your right shoulder unless stated otherwise. A circular hey can take half as long as rights and lefts even though you walk the same track. The Mad Robin of "Mad Robin" is different from the one we do in Contra (only one couple moves at a time). An English dance CAN be done at 120BPM, though it's probably better not to go over 116BPM. When you're playing a clapping game, you should be careful where your hands go.

And I found out from Larry that there's a large English dance (often over 100 people) held by a group of homeschool folks. They dance in Webster Groves.

1 comment:

Chrystal said...

After talking to several people, I found out that the mad robin may or may not involve both couples moving. In the dance "Mad Robin" only one couple moves at a time, but apparently the move can be done either way.