Wednesday, September 24, 2008

And now, congratulations to Billy!

Today it's Billy's turn in the limelight! It turns out that he called nearly all of the Youth Contra last Friday. That, and organizing and playing the music and writing dances and...and...everything, has earned him his megaphone and official graduation from fledgling to (trumpets, please!) CALLER !!



Billy Boyer said...

Wow!! Thanks so much! The cool pin alone makes it totally worth it.

TwinkleToze said...

Well, you totally deserved it. Congratulations. I'm glad Martha's so good coming up with fun buttons to reward us. Keep up the good work with the calling and the writing. I'm hoping if we do a "Hatchling's Dances" dance that maybe I can call one of yours. It'd be an honor (esp. as I don't write them).