Thursday, September 4, 2008

English Dance Site

Oh my goodness...I just came across the funniest--but good--site!

It's an animated(I think flash) perspective of some ECD moves.

There are 9 moves illustrated. The Hay for 4 leaves something to be desired but overall the presentation is short but neat.

BTW our calling calendar is starting to look like a bag of Skittles!


Unknown said...

Very cool!

I've always thought Flash would make a good medium for presenting moves (or for figuring out moves) but never moved beyond thinking of little balls or little stick figures moving around, neither of which were particularly inspiring. I love the dancer silhouettes...

Skittles! I was never a Skittles person, but you're right, the colors are very skittley.

I just went to the Skittles web site and saw A CHICKEN HATCHING OUT OF A SKITTLE! How's that for symmetry?


TwinkleToze said...


Very cute, but - whew! - some of those moves made my head spin. English can be tricky!

Contra-head Karen

P.S. The Skittles thought made me chuckle. And a Hatchling coming out of a Skittle - cool, Martha!